Monday, October 29, 2012

Christmas Day

We spent Christmas Day at Grandma & Grandpa Bruce's house.   
Oh boy, I like my new Big Wheel Bike.  Thank you very much! 

 We spent the evening at Nana & Ja Ja's house.
 I'm a little princess
  Put up your dukes Uncle Mike.  I'm about to knock you out with these Hulk gloves.
Yee Ha, I love our new horse.  Thank you Nana & Ja Ja 

Auntie Michelle's holiday creation.  A little mouse made with a Hershey Kiss, a chocolate covered cherry, sliced pecans for the ears sitting on an Oreo cookie.  Very creative!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Jackie! You did a great job : ) I can't believe how much they have grown.
